Outstanding Teaching Performance Award

Once a year, in order to commend academic staff members’ outstanding performance and contribution towards innovative and student-centred education. Outstanding Teaching Performance Award will be conferred to reward individuals who are judged to have made significant achievements in students’ learning and development which are closely aligned with the University’s motto (i.e. Virtue, Knowledge and Practice). The establishment of Outstanding Teaching Performance Award is also meant to promote best teaching practices across the institution and the higher education community.

Grand Occasion per Year.

Demonstration of Educational Contributions

and Achievements.

The Highest Honor to Teachers.


1. Individual Award

1.1 “Outstanding Teaching Performance Award”: applies to individuals with outstanding teaching competency and achievements and recognised excellence in pedagogical practice by external parties

1.2 “Innovation and Creativity in Teaching”: emphasises the development and implementation of innovative and creative educational/instructional technologies and techniques in teaching practices with external recognitions

1.3 “Teaching Excellence for Junior Academics”: for academic staff member in the early teaching career but encompassed effective teaching methodology and practice with achievement of above expectation and externally recognised

1.4 “Excellence in Dissertation Supervision”: recognises supervisors who are competent in advising students to produce excellent dissertation, thesis or final year project as evidenced by high-quality publication in journals with the student as the first author

2. Group Award

2.1 “Excellence in Curriculum and Quality Development”: celebrates academic staff members who have outstanding achievement in a team-taught module with external recognitions


1. The nominee should be a full-time faculty member employed by City University of Macau for a minimum of 2 years (until the date of submitting nomination). Nominee applying for “Teaching Excellence for Junior Academics” should be employed for at least 1 year

2. The nominee should be proactive and positive in taking up teaching tasks; fulfill teaching workload stipulated by the university. For teacher with administrative duties, their teaching hours should be at or more than 75% of the teaching workload of teacher with no administrative duties

3. Winners of the previous academic year will not be accepted for application in the coming year

4. Nominees who have joined the selection for two consecutive years will not be accepted for application in the coming year

5. If there is any misbehavior (such as being late for teaching without sound reasons, leave early, being absent in classroom teaching and unauthorized class switching) during the past two academic years or any violation of the working regulations, he/she will not be eligible for the application

List of qualified candidates will be announced in July 2024

Submit complete teaching portfolio and information before August 2024

The final selection results will be announced in October 2024

Nomination Process

1. All eligible academic staff members can make one nomination for each category of the awards including self-nomination

2. Nomination must be made using the online nomination form will all supporting documentation after the commencement of nomination period is announced each academic year

3. Quality Assurance Office will check the documentation for each nominated cases against the eligibility and completeness and will perform preliminary screening. Ineligible nominee(s) or submission with incomplete documentation will be considered for withdrawal from the entire process following the approval by the Chair of the Selection Committee

Documentation in Support of Nomination

A. The following minimal documentation must be provided to support the nomination for each category of the award:

1. Online nomination form (CityU-OA(Office Administration System) → Office Administration System → Electronic Form → Quality Assurance Office)

2. Curriculum vitae of the nominee

3. Teaching portfolio including educational philosophy and practice, curriculum development and delivery as well as outcomes of evaluation by students of at least 2 modules, reflection of knowledge and teaching, contribution to the degree programmes, role in faculty’s growth in relation to teaching and learning and continuous professional development;

4. Personal  statement justifying the suitability in receiving the award

5. Letter of support from the Dean of the faculty or designate;

6. Achievements as evidenced by external recognitions such as awards, publications, accreditations, reviews/evaluation or other forms of commendations

B. In the case of Group Awards, it is essential to ensure the documentation indicated above would cover all the participated team members