In order to strengthen communication with faculties, administrative departments & offices, teachers and students, as well as the public, Quality Assurance Office will publish the latest statutes and regulations, guidelines, news and announcements related to quality assurance in the “Newsletter/Notice” column. Continuously update and enrichment would be done for latest information according to updated requirements and information from government departments and the University.
Quality Assurance Office (QAO) Notice
QAA Annual Conference for Global Members (Membership Resources)
Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, UK (QAA) has organized two-days annual online conference entitled “The Future of Quality: What’s Next?” from 13-14 September, 2023 for global members. Please book your place by clicking the following URL if interested to attend the event:
Mourn the Passing of Vice Rector Chin Chee Seong
QAA Webinar for Student Engagement
Student Satisfaction Survey Prize Redemption (Academic Year 2022-2023)
QAA Intensive Programme for Quality Assurance (Membership Resources)
QAA Webinar for International Quality Review
Student Satisfaction Survey for the Academic Year 2022-2023 (Final Call) !
Please press the “Submit” button to submit the completed survey. No other operations are required, your student number will automatically be recorded into our lottery list. To protect your privacy, the information collected in the questionnaire will only be used for statistical analysis, and the student number will only be used for lottery purposes. Thank you very much for taking your time to patiently answer the questions. Each of your feedback is the driving force for the University’s progress!
Prize redemption details are shown on specific webpage & prizewinners will be notified.
QAA Completed the Collection of Academic Integrity Resources from Collaborative Enhancement Project
QAA Publishes Advice on Generative Artificial Intelligence Tools
Student Satisfaction Survey for the Academic Year 2022-2023 is Now Available
Please press the “Submit” button to submit the completed survey. No other operations are required, your student number will automatically be recorded into our lottery list. To protect your personal privacy, the information collected in the questionnaire will only be used for statistical analysis, and the student number will only be used for lottery purposes. Thank you very much for taking your time to patiently answer the questions. Each of your feedback is the driving force for the University’s progress!
If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact the staff of Quality Assurance Office (Tel: 85902839, Email:, thank you for your attention!
City University of Macau Has Become the International Associate Member of Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, UK (QAA)
Qaulity Assurance Office (QAO)
QAO Newsletter:
Vol. 1
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QAO Newsletter:
Vol. 2
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QAO Newsletter:
Vol. 3
(Click the image to browse)
QAO Newsletter:
Vol. 4
(Click the image to browse)
QAO Newsletter:
Vol. 5
(Click the image to browse)
QAO Newsletter:
Vol. 6
(Click the image to browse)
QAO Newsletter:
Vol. 7
(Click the image to browse)
QAO Newsletter:
Vol. 8
(Click the image to browse)
QAO Newsletter:
Vol. 9
(Click the image to browse)
QAO Newsletter:
Vol. 10
(Click the image to browse)
QAO Newsletter:
Vol. 11
(Click the image to browse)